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Financial statement


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FY 2023 FY 2022 FY 2021
Current assets 5,360,847,871 11,858,206,703 14,484,818,426
Cash and cash equivalents 43,867,042 3,444,556,488 4,547,683,904
Short-term trade Receivable 3,013,649,998 3,138,574,020 3,333,107,361
Current financial assets at fair value through profit or loss,
mandatorily measured at fair value
821,281,330 1,617,336,459 2,696,234,040
Other current financial assets 286,242,715 1,787,602,220 1,303,252,171
Inventories 0 168,900,333 290,799,333
Other current assets 1,195,806,786 1,701,237,183 2,313,741,617
Non-current assets 45,289,293,073 37,167,807,959 32,983,050,859
Non-current financial assets at fair value through profit or loss,
designated upon initial recognition or subsequently
0 0 0
Non-current financial assets measured at fair value
through other comprehensive income
16,404,565,052 14,703,217,500 13,825,735,603
Other non-current financial assets 317,591,730 311,150,262 1,155,204,728
Investment property 4,726,850,761 523,035,446 168,576,192
Property, plant and equipment 20,726,940,580 18,385,970,698 15,632,418,670
Intangible assets 2,041,323,052 2,707,941,662 1,914,838,462
Deferred tax assets 1,072,021,898 532,698,209 264,001,152
Other non-current assets 0 3,794,182 22,276,052
Total assets 50,650,140,944 49,026,014,662 47,467,869,285
Current liabilities 17,134,428,038 11,484,481,650 9,642,680,408
Trade 2,972,238,750 2,270,133,875 1,715,060,732
Short-term borrowings 10,039,705,126 4,940,000,000 0
Current portion of long-term liabilities 801,476,000 0 0
Other current financial liabilities 899,681,160 1,090,560,715 1,171,514,612
Other current liabilities 2,377,449,224 2,562,280,678 5,836,186,224
Current provisions for construction warranties 43,877,778 52,666,667 52,666,667
liabilities 0 568,839,715 867,252,173
Non-current liabilities 644,991,100 9,554,708,000 12,093,444,234
Convertible bonds 0 8,569,470,000 11,311,551,334
Long-term borrowing 0 400,738,000 0
Other non-current financial liabilities 644,991,100 584,500,000 781,892,900
Total liabilities 17,779,419,138 21,039,189,650 21,736,124,642
Issued capital 3,691,977,000 3,287,937,000 3,287,937,000
Capital surplus 19,550,335,342 10,329,834,817 10,329,834,817
Elements of other stockholder's equity (5,702,499,210) (4,434,819,435) (3,875,739,051)
Other Comprehensive income/loss accumulated amount 496,309,257 (7,593,655) 123,067,092
Retained earnings 14,834,599,417 18,811,466,285 15,866,644,785
Total equity 32,870,721,806 27,986,825,012 25,731,744,643
Liabilities and total equity 50,650,140,944 49,026,014,662 47,467,869,285
FY 2023 FY 2022 FY 2021
Sales 26,604,384,221 37,892,065,422 34,064,031,790
Cost of sales 23,622,876,782 30,972,327,268 23,622,876,782
Gross profit 3,601,743,791 6,919,738,154 10,441,155,008
Selling general administrative expenses 6,464,187,315 5,615,064,773 4,628,397,735
Operating income (2,862,443,524) 1,304,673,381 5,812,757,273
Finance income 565,088,790 5,906,905,295 1,464,657,324
Finance costs 652,375,056 2,502,097,859 2,089,295,304
Other gains 83,593,481 40,285,119 189,155,457
Other costs 364,107,053 45,154,771 96,633,076
Losses on investments in relationships and joint ventures (496,184,685) 154,459,254 (244,542,773)
Profit before tax (3,726,428,047) 4,859,070,419 5,036,098,901
Income tax expense (672,478,329) 988,835,769 993,505,538
Profit (3,053,949,718) 3,870,234,650 4,042,593,363
Other comprehensive income 503,902,912 (130,660,747) 12,670,424
Total comprehensive income (2,550,046,806) 3,739,573,903 4,055,263,787
Earnings per share
Basic earnings per share (Unit: KRW) (445) 629 680
Diluted earnings per share (Unit: KRW) (445) 628 680

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