

Digital data analysis and visualization utilized in metaverse

Metaverse, a new immersive social simulation digital platform, is rapidly growing as the largest platform for marketing while creating new business opportunities for companies. In particular, as the metaverse service market spreads rapidly by industry, analysis tools specialized for metaverse platform operation are needed.

WISEiTECH's MetaAnalytics uses statistics and artificial intelligence technology to analyze, visualize, and provide data generated by the metaverse platform.

Analysis and insight into the metaverse world

It analyzes the metaverse operation process with an AI algorithm and displays it in a dashboard so that the results can be understood at a glance. Data-based decision making is possible by providing content planning ideas to metaverse operators and market insights to marketers.

Extended Reality Visualization

Analyze digital behaviors occurring in the metaverse in real time and visualize them in 3D. 3D visualization based on extended reality can provide insights that were not found in existing 2D-based information more quickly and accurately, and you can feel a great sense of reality.

Applied to various industries in Metaverse, combined with WiseIntelligence

MetaAnalytics can be used in various fields within the metaverse, such as living, tourism, art, education, medical care, media, manufacturing, environment, and public service. In combination with WiseIntelligence, reports and charts can be embedded in dashboard pages can.

System configuration diagram

  • 사용자:경영진 일반사용자 고급분석가, 메타 대시보드:메타버스 디지털 분석, 통합 대시보드 포탈, 앱 기반 페이지 구성, 확장현실 데이터 시각화, WI보고서 임베딩, 실시간 데이터 분석, 메타버스

Analytics™ Main Features

  • 01
    Integrated dashboard portal
    • Integrated authentication
    • Render pages by permission
    • Site navigation and menu organization
  • 02
    App-based page configuration
    • Page composition that combines app components
    • App settings and personalization
  • 03
    Extended Reality Visualization
    • Visualize 3D data based on extended reality on the web or metaverse
  • 04
    Wise Intelligence Report Embedding
    • Preview and set WiseIntelligence reports in the app
    • Wise Intelligence report and chart embedding on dashboard page
  • 05
    Real-time data analysis
    • Real-time data analysis using stream SQL
    • Link to various data sources
  • 06
    System management
    • Manage site folders and pages
    • menu management
    • Manage app registration

Analytics™ Key Features

  • Metaverse digital world behavior analysis based on big data analysis experience and know-how
    • Combine with Wise Intelligence to embed reports and charts into dashboard pages, and provide synergy by providing data analysis and insights
    • Real-time data retrieval from various data sources through a database driver that supports stream SQL
  • Dashboard page configuration using modular app components
    • Combination of app components based on standard web components
    • Maximize reusability by supporting settings for each app component
  • Extended Reality Data Visualization
    • 3D visualization of metaverse environment
    • Support web-based extended reality 3D visualization chart app
  • Dashboard Portal System
    • Integrated authentication and site, menu, folder, and page management by permission
    • Easy app registration and page change management